No Tobacco Workshop

The campaign will reinforce WHO's work in assisting country-wide implementation of effective policy interventions to reduce the demand for tobacco, and protect against industry tactics to undermine global and national efforts to implement evidence-based tobacco control policies . 

The global campaign aims to debunk myths and expose devious tactics employed by the tobacco and related Industries .


  • the opportunity to expose industry tactics observed in their community.

  • act of refusing tobacco products shisha or e-cigarettes in a safe environment . 

  • Awareness with the help of an entertaining, educational medium.

  • Develop advocacy plans for rejecting industry manipulation .

  • creating a tobacco-free generation 


  • Saying no to nicotine and tobacco . 

  • Consumption of nicotine or tobacco due to peer pressure, Influenced by promotion and sponsorship. 

  • Lack of knowledge or skill to refuse the usage of nicotine or tobacco.

Target Audience: 13 - 17 year olds

Duration: 1.5 - 2 Hours


  • 1. What is tobacco?

  • 2. How are people getting addicted to it?

  • 3. Harmful effects of tobacco

  • 4. Demystifying industry tactics

  • 5. Q&A Session

  • 6. Myth Buster Quiz

  • 7. Empower yourself

  • 8. Understanding ways to say No

  • 9. Effective Measures


World No-Tobacco Day 2021.

Amogh Balaji was kind enough to write and sing this wonderful rap song for Hibiscus Foundation for Social Welfare’s World No Tobacco Day Campaign curated by the World Health Organisation.

The video was made by: Lauxley GR Pandian with the guidance of Rajkumar Raghavan The animation by Anthony S Francisco.

In a step to make the campaign inclusive and accessible, we have added lyrics in the video.

What People Are Saying


“This session was pretty clear on telling us how harmful and bad tobacco is. This was an amazing seminar and I'll definitely look forward to more. “

— Akshaya, 24


“The predatory tactics employed by the tobacco industry to lure innocent youth is frightening. Thank you for such an amazing workshop.”

— Sriram, 26

“The workshop was certainly eye-opening. I always knew tobacco was harmful but had no idea the actual impact the industry had on the world.”

— Poojitha, 19


“The workshop was clear and reached its aim of informing us about the influence of tobacco.”

— Manojj, 25

For more information.