Image Courtesy: Sowmya Dhanasekaran

“You grow through what you go through”

It is not easy being a neuro-divergent person, being diagnosed with dyslexia myself I understood that the world is not designed to fit everyone who is different. Especially, if you have an intellectual disability. The stigma surrounding the subject makes even the basic help that everyone gets easily inaccessible. The lack of awareness and inclusivity just adds on to the problem. Since childhood I’ve always earned the sense of belonging in this society. To belong somewhere people like me have a safe space and be truly accepted as to who we are. The lack for resources and support was not just at one front, but almost at all. Thus, I became what I wanted and looked up as a child! A therapist, a human rights advocate (specifically for children, women and the disabled), an entrepreneur, and a writer!

I always wanted to make an impact at a global level, this inspired me to intern with the UN High Commissioners Office for Human Rights (OHCHR)’s Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the WHO Global coordination Mechanism for Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Health (WHO GCM/NCD). The journey was arduous, but worth the effort. My experiences made me realise the need for a space, a safe house for all. Where none are turned away nor be discriminated against. A space where all can learn and grow. Returning back to India, with an ambitious dream, I founded a non-for profit organisation called for Social Welfare (HFSW) that works on but not just restricted to Mental Health, Human rights and sustainability. 

The beginnings were really humble, from a small Instagram page with just 5 people working tirelessly to create awareness. Slowly, but steadily the last year alone we grew up to a team of 70 volunteers making an impact on 200k people digitally and a big 30k individuals directly. With a commitment to make things safe, accessible and affordable to all, we made our projects Pro-bono that includes pro bono therapy, pro bono human rights consultancy, free guided imagery, awareness creation workshops on various elements that impact health and rights. We are a proud part of global platforms which help us advocate for what we believe in, at international forums. 

People have always told me that HFSW was not just a work space, but something more. A home away from home that is safe, nurturing and non-judgemental. This has remained the same from its very beginning and I intended it to be the same. All the challenges and the tests, even at the brinks of closure the organisation continues to prevail for the ideals that we hold. It has been a dream come true to see the impact HFSW has had. This became evident when our first client said it felt better because of our therapies, and in that moment, I knew exactly where I wanted to be. I am glad to have been through all this, and yet helping others walk through the same path with flowers around. It is truly a rewarding experience.

- Aksheyaa Akilan